OCAAUP Testimony on Budget Bill

POSTED BY MARTIN KICH Last Thursday, April 11, OCAAUP President John McNay testified to the Ohio House Finance Subcommittee on Higher Education on House Bill 166, the biennial state budget bill. In his testimony, McNay advocated for greater State Share of Instruction funding, encouraging the committee members to seek new revenue, if need be, in…


OCAAUP Testimony on “Reforms” Ostensibly Intended to Increase Access and Affordability

  Testimony of Stephen Mockabee, Ph.D. Ohio Conference of the American Association of University Professors before the House Finance Higher Education Subcommittee Representative Mike Duffey, Chair May 19, 2016   Chairman Duffey, Ranking Member Ramos, and distinguished members of the House Finance Higher Education Subcommittee: My name is Steve Mockabee, and I am an Associate…


Within the Supposedly “Common Sense” Talking Points, Fundamental Incoherence

We have been told that charter schools are needed as an alternative to our public schools because our public schools are failing to prepare our children for meaningful immediate employment or for higher education. Of course, despite massive taxpayer subsidies, selective enrollment policies, and the misreporting of the results of standardized tests and other assessments,…