An Either/Or Choice That Isn’t Usually an Arbitrary Choice

BY MARTIN KICH The media has become overly fond, I think, of describing this presidential election as a choice between two unappealing candidates. To be clear, I don’t think that the media is incorrect in making this assessment, but I do think that it is incorrect in suggesting that this election stands as a historical…


Bobby Knight on Donald Trump

BY MARTIN KICH This evening, former Indiana basketball coach Bobby Knight introduced Donald Trump at a rally in Indianapolis. Knight called Trump “the most prepared man in history to step in as president of the United States”–adding for emphasis, “There has never been a presidential candidate prepared to the length that this man is.” As…


Echoed Apprehension

BY MARTIN KICH During the 1964 presidential campaign, the Johnson campaign ran a four-minute television ad called “Confessions of a Republican.” In the ad, a man who purports to be a lifelong Republican explains why he cannot vote for Barry Goldwater. More than a half-century later, this ad is going viral because it seems to…


The Candidates’ Positions on Higher-Ed Issues

The National Association of Student Financial Aid Administration (NASFAA) is maintaining a list of positions on higher-education issues taken by all of the presidential candidates in this election cycle, including those who have suspended their campaigns. The list, which seems to be updated regularly, is available here. Even a cursory glance through the list will…