Stage with Nadine Strossen and Erwin Chemerinsky sitting on chairs on a stage for a formal discussion.

The Free Speech Movement, Sixty Years Later

BY JOHN K. WILSON Sixty years ago, a revolution in campus free speech began. Unfortunately, it’s an anniversary being celebrated in the midst of extraordinary repression on college campuses against the right to protest. The Free Speech Movement at Berkeley and around the country was a direct outgrowth of the Civil Rights Movement and the…


Academic Freedom Explored at FACCC/AAUP Conference

BY HANK REICHMAN On Friday, September 28, about 100 California community college faculty members gathered at Berkeley City College for a day-long conference on academic freedom co-sponsored by the Faculty Association of the California Community Colleges Educational Institute (FACCC-EI) and the AAUP Foundation.  The conference highlighted the growing importance of academic freedom in community colleges…
