Singapore “Fake News” Law May Threaten Academic Freedom

BY HANK REICHMAN Scholars from Singapore and around the world, including several prominent American professors, have expressed concern over the Asian city-state’s proposed legislation against internet ‘fake news’, which they say could have unintended consequences for academic freedom and research.  Such a precedent could lead to “even wider restraints on global scholarly research and knowledge…


Bipartisan Rationality or Shared Alarm?

  POSTED BY MARTIN KICH Much has been written about “fake news,” about the political ramifications of charging that something is “fake news,” and about the broader undermining of the public confidence in the credibility of the news media. Moreover, in the seemingly endless discussion of certain news stories and with the proliferation of social…


Anatomy of a Piece of Domestic American Propaganda

POSTED BY MARTIN KICH On January 18, the New York Times published a piece by Scott Shane titled “From Headline to Photograph, a Fake News Masterpiece.” The piece might have been given the title of this post or “Anatomy of a Piece of Complete Fiction”–with an ironic tip of the hat to the novelist Robert…