400 Films about Higher Education (or at Least Set on Campuses): 251-300

Cultural Representations of Higher Ed, No. 3 I am working backwards through this list. Here are films 251 to 300, which are generally ridiculous, but perhaps somewhat less ridiculous than those numbered 301-400. The first post in this series, covering films ranked 351 to 400 is available at: https://academeblog.org/2013/07/09/400-films-about-higher-education-or-at-least-set-on-campuses-351-400/ The second post in this series,…


400 Films about Higher Education (or at Least Set on Campuses): 301-350

Cultural Representations of Higher Ed, No. 2 I am working backwards through this list. Here are films 301 to 350, which are, again, generally ridiculous. The first post in this series, covering films ranked 351 to 400 is available at: https://academeblog.org/2013/07/09/400-films-about-higher-education-or-at-least-set-on-campuses-351-400/ The rankings are my own and in most cases somewhat arbitrary: that is, these are…