Why It’s Gotten Much More Difficult to Discount the Links between Fraternities and Sexual Assaults on Campus

This is a photo of a fraternity on move-in day at Old Dominion University: _________________________ In case this one photo does not seem emblematic to you, this morning the Huffington Post included this item in its daily HuffPost College newsletter: It’s Not Just ODU Students Putting Up Offensive Signs About Freshman Girls While a fraternity at Virginia’s Old Dominion…


Amherst's Attack on Fraternities Is an Attack on Student Rights

Amherst College, which banned fraternities and sororities in 1984, has now taken this an alarming step further: starting July 1, any students participating in an unofficial fraternity or sorority will be punished, and could be expelled. A college has the right to ban fraternities only in the sense of refusing to recognize gender-biased exclusive social…