blue neon sign saying "DON'T MESS WITH TEXAS" surrounded by red circles above and below on a dark brick wall background

Texas Governor Greg Abbott’s Attack on Academic Freedom

BY JOHN K. WILSON On March 27, 2024, Texas governor Greg Abbott issued an executive order compelling “all Texas higher education institutions” to “update free speech policies to address the sharp rise in antisemitic speech and acts on university campuses and establish appropriate punishments, including expulsion from the institution,” ensure that “groups such as the…


You Cannot Seek Refuge in the Defense That Guilt by Association Is a Logical Fallacy When You Have invited the Association

In a previous post, “Louie Gohmert and Ted Nugent Proud to Be Ignoramuses” [], I surveyed the ridiculously stupid pronouncements that have come out of their mouths. There was a Texas connection at that time because Nugent had attracted a crowd of admirers at a Texas gun show who seemed to be competing with him…