How Illinois Higher Education Still Suffers

BY LEO WELCH In recent history, Illinois’ support for higher education has shown little growth and in fact has lagged far behind inflation. Susana Mendoza, Illinois Comptroller, released a report on September 20, 2018 on the Consequences of Illinois’ 2015-2017 Budget Impasse and Fiscal Outlook. The full report includes the background and history of Illinois’…


My Letter to the Chicago Tribune on Higher Ed

BY JOHN K. WILSON I have a letter to the editor in tomorrow’s Chicago Tribune, in response to a July 11 editorial by the Tribune which glorified the University of Illinois while urging lawmakers to exert more control over other colleges to force them to cut costs and programs. I wrote: The Tribune Editorial Board advises more…


Major Attack on Public-Employee Unions in Illinois

The recently inaugurated Republican governor of Illinois, Bruce Rauner, has signed an executive order banning public-employee unions from collecting fair-share contributions from those employees who choose not to belong to the unions that represent them. I very recently did a post on the very skewed logic behind “right to work” legislation—see Rauner, previously the…