Ohio Legislators Demand Ban on “Porn” at Kent State University

BY JOHN K. WILSON I have an essay posted today at the American Library Association’s Office for Intellectual Freedom (OIF) blog about a particularly disturbing case at Kent State University where state legislators are explicitly threatening millions of dollars in state funding unless the university bans a textbook that offended the Republican politicians. Here are…


Free Speech (Unless I Don’t Like You)

BY HANK REICHMAN The right-wing’s embrace of campus free speech has always seemed, well, more than a little hypocritical.  The outrage machine kicks into high gear when invited speakers like Milo Yiannopoulos, Ann Coulter, Ben Shapiro, or Charles Murray are protested or disinvited.  But what about when the speaker is someone these vocal free speech…


Death to Free Speech?

Cary Nelson has taken a lot of criticism for defending the free speech of Julio Pino, a Kent State professor who said “Death to Israel” to an Israeli speaker at an extracurricular event on campus. At Minding the Campus, K.C. Johnson attacks Nelson for stating, “Calling out a political slogan during a question period falls…