National Review Defends the Donors with Demands

BY JOHN K. WILSON The corruption at George Mason University has prompted some conservatives to jump to the defense of giving wealthy donors more influence. Jim Geraghty at National Review argues that “A Washington Post Scoop about the Koch Brothers Falls Apart.” But actually it’s Geraghty’s argument that quickly falls apart. According to Geraghty, “The headline in the…


UnKoch George Mason?

BY HANK REICHMAN This blog has in the past posted several items concerning the efforts by the notorious conservative Charles Koch Foundation to influence curriculum and even hiring at institutions of higher education.  Early last month I had the privilege of participating in a panel discussion of the issue at the annual higher education conference…


The Koch Foundation and Academic Freedom

Richard Vedder argued at that in higher education, “the most invidious single violation of basic concepts of free expression of ideas is the attack on the Koch brothers, Charles and David.” This claim is absurd, since no one has sought to censor the Koch Brothers, and because their foundation has sought to limit academic…


Koch Money at Colleges and Universities: Part I, A-M

In an earlier post, “The Koch Brothers Gifts to Higher Ed Come with Many Strings Attached” [], I discussed the decision by Brooklyn College to decline a gift from the Koch Brothers Foundation. To all appearances, it is one of the few colleges to have made such a decision. A former colleague once said that…


Koch Money at Colleges and Universities: Part II, N-W

In an earlier post, “The Koch Brothers Gifts to Higher Ed Come with Many Strings Attached” [], I discussed the decision by Brooklyn College to decline a gift from the Koch Brothers Foundation. To all appearances, it is one of the few colleges to have made such a decision. A former colleague once said that…


“Fine Print, Restrictive Grants, and Academic Freedom”

As we all know, universities around the country are in financial trouble. Many states have been cutting funding to their public universities, forcing the schools to do more with less. So it’s understandable that administrators would be on the lookout for new sources of funding—including wealthy donors. In “Fine Print, Restrictive Grants, and Academic Freedom,”…