Marco Rubio, Adjunct Professor?

BY HANK REICHMAN Faculty members at Florida International University (FIU) are asking some tough questions about the university’s employment of GOP presidential hopeful Sen. Marco Rubio.  At a Faculty Senate meeting last month senators fired question after question about Rubio’s teaching position to University Provost Ken Furton.  David Park, associate professor in Advertising and Public…


Who Studies Philosophy?

A propos of Sen. Marco Rubio’s ungrammatical comment that “we need more welders and less (sic) philosophers,” the American Philosophical Association has posted an intriguing list of prominent figures in government and politics, activism, academia, business, religion, writing, news and journalism, arts and entertainment, and sports who either majored in or otherwise studied (sometimes at…


On Welders and Philosophers

“For the life of me, I don’t know why we have stigmatized vocational education. Welders make more money than philosophers. We need more welders and less philosophers.” That was Sen. Marco Rubio at last night’s Republican presidential debate.  Let’s ignore that Rubio apparently doesn’t know when to use “less” and when to use “fewer.” (I’m…


Marco Rubio and the Silliness of Some Politicians

Intrastate athletic rivalries between public universities (e.g., Michigan-Michigan State) frequently spill over into the silliest sorts of comparisons between institutions, which usually ignore their differing missions.  That some politicians embrace such comparisons may offer a small glimpse into the extent of their knowledge and the level of their insight into higher education.  Take the case…