Why Banning Speakers Is Absolutely Wrong

BY JOHN K. WILSON Milo Yiannopoulos’ much-hyped Free Speech Week at Berkeley has disappeared, not with a bang but with a whimper. The whimper came yesterday when Milo made a brief appearance on Sproul Plaza, where he sang the Star-Spangled Banner (without kneeling) and left about 30 minutes later. Berkeley spent an estimated $800,000 on…

Is Milo’s Bubble Bursting?

BY HANK REICHMAN It seems the much-ballyhooed and monstrously misnamed “Free Speech Week,” organized by the infamous bigot-provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos and scheduled to unfold September 24-27 at the University of California at Berkeley (UCB), may not take place after all.  And if it does, it will be in a scaled-down version. The event was to…

On Milo's Demise

BY HANK REICHMAN My title may be — indeed, probably is, alas — overoptimistic, but the rapid-fire sequence of events surrounding putrid provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos, including the revoking of his invitation to speak at CPAC, the loss of his lucrative book deal, and finally, today, his forced resignation from Breitbart News, the repulsive fake news…

Being Harassed in the Wake of Milo

BY ALAN-MICHAEL WEATHERFORD This is a cross-post of an editorial by Alan-Michael Weatherford. It originally appeared as a guest editorial on the website of The Daily, the student newspaper of the University of Washington. The Daily Editor’s Note: Story includes vulgarity, anti-gay, and transphobic slurs.  When internet hate-monger and Breitbart editor Milo Yiannopolous spoke on University of…