BY MARK S. JAMES Last August, my colleague wrote about how our university’s leadership has embraced a top-down corporate model as the way of running the university, and he proceeded to describe various instances when they have ignored shared governance and threatened academic freedom. This trend has continued unabated. The most recent example of this…

A boardroom with an empty table and row of empty chairs, with a notebook, writing pad, and pencil on the table

Higher Education Succumbs to the Corporate Model

BY JOHN A. ETERNO Faculty at many universities are experiencing frustration. Universities should be bastions of creativity, scholarship, and democracy, but administrators have been using a corporate management style which invariably leaves the faculty behind. Most importantly, shared governance, once a staple of higher learning, is becoming a relic of the past. Faculty, to the…

alternating blocks of white squares with black quotation marks and black squares with white quotation marks

The Culture of Molloy

BY MARK S. JAMES This blog post originally appeared on the Molloy College AAUP chapter website. We are reposting it here with the author’s permission. Dear Colleagues, I am a black man in America. I grew up in a white family that didn’t want to talk about race. Yet race was everywhere. The dangers of…
