Donald Trump’s Incredible Attack on Free Speech

BY JOHN K. WILSON Today, Donald Trump tweeted: “Too many Universities and School Systems are about Radical Left Indoctrination, not Education. Therefore, I am telling the Treasury Department to re-examine their Tax-Exempt Status…and/or Funding, which will be taken away if this Propaganda or Act Against Public Policy continues. Our children must be Educated, not Indoctrinated!”…


The Perils of President (and Professor) Newt

Newt Gingrich declared in 1995, “I am the most seriously professorial politician since Woodrow Wilson.” If Gingrich wins the Republican nomination, we will see the first presidential contest fought by ex-professors in American history. But if Gingrich wins, what would his presidency mean for higher education? Gingrich’s history as a professor certainly doesn’t make him…


Jon Stewart on Newt Gingrich’s Paranoia about Professors

A brilliant comment by Jon Stewart on academia (begins 5:30 into the clip): The Daily Show with Jon Stewart Get More: Daily Show Full Episodes,Political Humor & Satire Blog,The Daily Show on Facebook Newt Gingrich: The tenured professors who can flunk you if you are too openly conservative. Jon Stewart: …where the F- did…