Noble Words and Foul Deeds at Columbia

BY HANK REICHMAN Words: On November 17, Columbia University President Lee C. Bollinger spoke to attendees at the university’s annual Hamilton Award Dinner.  Here is part of the Columbia Spectator’s report on his remarks: “The University is not a political institution—we do not take positions on political issues. But when you have a position that…


Vox’s Links to Stories on Today’s NLRB Ruling

POSTED BY MARTIN KICH What follows is taken from Vox’s daily newsletter Sentences: “Student Union” Gets a Whole New Meaning –The National Labor Relations Board ruled on Tuesday that graduate students at private universities have the right to form unions and bargain collectively. [Vox / Libby Nelson] –The decision doesn’t affect grad students at public universities. Those…


A Changing Landscape for Unionization at Private Institutions?

In her article in the November-December Academe, “Improving the Legal Landscape for Unionization at Private Colleges and Universities,” AAUP general counsel Risa L. Lieberwitz considers the legacy of the US Supreme Court’s 1980 decision in NLRB v. Yeshiva University. Because it held that faculty members’ autonomy and involvement in decision-making puts them in the category…


Recognizing the Limited Scope of the NLRB’s Decision in Northwestern University

Earlier this week, on August 17, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) issued a decision refusing to assert jurisdiction in the case of the Northwestern University grant-in-aid scholarship football players’ petition for an election seeking union representation. While this is a disappointment to those hoping that the Board would uphold the Regional Director’s ruling finding…


The NLRA Turns Eighty

“Democracy cannot work unless it is honored in the factory as well as the polling booth; men cannot be truly free in body and in spirit unless their freedom extends into the places where they earn their daily bread.” Senator Robert F. Wagner Yesterday, July 5, marked the 80th anniversary of the signing of the…