You Cannot Seek Refuge in the Defense That Guilt by Association Is a Logical Fallacy When You Have invited the Association

In a previous post, “Louie Gohmert and Ted Nugent Proud to Be Ignoramuses” [], I surveyed the ridiculously stupid pronouncements that have come out of their mouths. There was a Texas connection at that time because Nugent had attracted a crowd of admirers at a Texas gun show who seemed to be competing with him…


President Obama’s Other Remarks Yesterday

Yesterday, the news channels were focused on very little beyond President Obama’s press conference, during which he repeatedly apologized for his administration’s “fumbling” of the rollout of the ACA website. Later in the day, he gave a speech in Ohio that, in all of its admittedly very partisan highlighting of his administration’s accomplishments, does serve…


Hating a Black President Isn’t Necessarily Racist

It Might Be Coincidental to Your Hatred of Him That He Is Black. But All of the Following Expressions of Hatred of Him Are Clearly Racist—and If You Don’t Think So, You Are Either a Racist or the Word “Racist” Has Lost All Meaning The recent controversy surrounding the caricaturing of President Obama by a…


Not Just Appalling, but Hypocritical and Illogical, Too

It is a common tactic among bullies to be absolutely blind to their own insensitivity toward others while being hypersensitive to any perceived slights against them. And that truism has never been on display more absurdly and hypocritically than at this year’s NRA Convention in Texas. Amid all of the hyperventilated rhetoric about President Obama’s…