Margaret Spellings' For-Profit (and Discriminatory) Past

The growing trend toward secret presidential searches and the emerging tendency of governing boards to appoint corporate executives or politicians with no experience in higher education has gained considerable attention on this blog (see for examples the University of Iowa and the University of Missouri, the latter with well-known disastrous consequences). One recent example is…


ASCSU Resolution on Presidential Searches

The following resolution was approved unanimously by the Academic Senate, California State University (ASCSU) at its November 6 plenary meeting in Long Beach, California.  On November 3, the AAUP issued its own Statement on Presidential Searches.  ACADEMIC SENATE OF THE CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY AS-3234-15/EX November 4-5, 2015 PRESIDENTIAL SEARCH PROCESS IN THE CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY…


AAUP Statement on Presidential Searches

The following statement was issued today by the American Association of University Professors (AAUP): In recent months at a number of colleges and universities across the country controversy has emerged over decisions by governing boards to conduct searches for new presidents or chancellors in secret, abandoning the previously standard practice of inviting a select group…


The AAUP CB Chapter and the Other Unions at Eastern Michigan University Refuse to Participate in a Secretive Search for a New President

What follows is a joint statement release on October 14 by the AAUP chapter and the other unions at Eastern Michigan University: I am speaking today about the Board’s misguided, shortsighted, and unfortunate decision to make the presidential search a closed and secret search, ensuring that the campus community will not have any significant input…
