image of tic tac toe grid with three red candy hearts in a row and AAUP logo in corner

Recent Wins for the AAUP

BY JULIE SCHMID As we move into the final months of the academic year, I wanted to share updates about three recent wins. These three successes emphasize the power of collective action and solidarity—among chapter members; among the national AAUP and our state conferences and chapters; and among faculty, students, and the community—when we all…

sculpture from George Mason University with person placing hand on the shoulder of two people on the opposite side

Are We Next?: GMU Administration’s Stealthy Quest to Build a New Privatized Online University

BY BETHANY LETIECQ, BETSY DEMULDER, AND TIM GIBSON On August 24, 2018, George Mason University (GMU) President Ángel Cabrera floated an idea during our faculty convocation. In order to serve more students, especially those who cannot easily access and afford a brick-and-mortar university experience, such as single mothers, full-time workers, and veterans, he was exploring…

The End of Forced Arbitration at Purdue Global

BY DAVE NALBONE Recently, Purdue University Global (PUG) announced that it would abide by federal laws prohibiting the use of forced arbitration to resolve disputes by its students, which until then had been a requirement of its students in order to enroll. This predatory practice dated to PUG’s former iteration, the for-profit and predatory Kaplan…

image of tic tac toe grid with three red candy hearts in a row and AAUP logo in corner

Significant Wins for the AAUP

BY JULIE SCHMID As we approach the end of the semester, I wanted to share information about some significant wins for the profession and for higher education as a common good that the AAUP has celebrated in recent months. These successes emphasize the power that the national AAUP, the state conferences, and the chapters have…