Different Kinds of “Locker-Room Talk”

POSTED BY MARTIN KICH If you voted for Donald Trump, even after the Access Hollywood tape was released, you can have no credibility if you not only claim to be outraged by Harvey Weinstein’s behavior but also feel compelled to denounce Progressives for not denouncing him. Likewise, if you were not outspokenly outraged by the…


Ailes’s Name Removed from Ohio U “Newsroom”

POSTED BY MARTIN KICH This is an item from tonight’s CNN Reliable Sources: “No More ‘Ailes Newsroom’ “Breaking news from Athens, OH: ‘Roger Ailes‘ name will be removed from a WOUB newsroom, Ohio University President Roderick McDavis announced” this evening, per the student paper The Post. ‘McDavis gave no exact date for its removal, but the letters of Ailes’ name were…