The Idiocy of Tucker Carlson

BY HANK REICHMAN Fox News’s Tucker Carlson once had a totally undeserved reputation as some sort of “thoughtful” and urbane conservative.  But check out the latest from this button-down bigot: TUCKER CARLSON (HOST): If you’ve been awake at any point in the last 50 years, you know that American colleges are basically pretty liberal. But…


North Dakota Bill Bans “Safe Spaces”

BY MARTIN KICH What follows are some excerpts from an article written by Andrew Haffner for the Bismarck (ND) Tribune: A bill described by its sponsor as a means to ensure freedom of speech in North Dakota higher education by rejecting ‘political correctness gone crazy’ has passed in the state House. “Rep. Rick Becker, R-Bismarck,…


The Debate Over "Safe Spaces" Has Taken on New Significance

BY HANK REICHMAN For some time now colleges and universities across the country have been roiled by debates over so-called “safe spaces.”  On one side stand those who argue that many members of the higher education community, especially various minorities, need “safe spaces” free from potentially harassing behavior and verbal abuse.  Sometimes they have gone…


Adjuncts and Academic Freedom

BY EVA SWIDLER Guest blogger Eva Swidler is an environmental historian on the undergraduate liberal arts faculty at Goddard College and the Curtis Institute of Music. She also researches and writes in the fields of labor studies and political economy. Academic freedom is all the rage in newspapers these days. Are protests at speaking events on…


U of Chicago Faculty Letter to the Students

BY UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO FACULTY The following open letter from University of Chicago faculty appeared in the Chicago Maroon on Sept. 13. Dear Students of the Class of 2020: As you have undoubtedly noticed, you and your new institution have been in the media spotlight lately. We want to take this opportunity to voice our…