“Cooperation Is Undesirable”

BY DMITRY DUBROVSKY On June 21, Hank Reichman posted a piece in response to a decision taken earlier that day by the Russian state prosecutor designating Bard College as an “undesirable organization,” effectively terminating the New York-based school’s quarter-century long partnership with St. Petersburg State University.  (See also articles on Inside Higher Ed here and…

Russian State Prosecutor Designates Bard College an “Undesirable Organization”

BY HANK REICHMAN The Prosecutor General’s Office of Russia today (June 21) recognized New York’s Bard College as an “undesirable organization.”  According to the ministry, Bard’s activities in Russia “pose a threat to the foundations of the constitutional order and security” of Russia.  The designation threatens, and may well guarantee, the termination of a longstanding…