Income Share Agreements: Improved Thinking on How to Fund a College Education

BY BRIAN C. MITCHELL At the most expensive U.S. colleges and universities, the advertised price now exceeds $70,000 per annum although most institutions are significantly below this level. Financial aid lowers the actual cost of attendance for many students. Still, American families are less willing to shoulder the expected family contributions that make a college…

Question mark graphic: Questions about Trump Higher Education Policies

Are Higher Ed Professionals a Resource or Part of "the Swamp"?

BY BRIAN C. MITCHELL One of the striking features of the new presidential administration appears to be the difference between fact and perception. On most levels, it seems that optics matter more than words.Facts seem to be afterthoughts to positions floated. Further, it looks like many positions shift regularly depending upon how the outcome is likely…


Predatory Student Loans in Christie’s New Jersey

POSTED BY MARTIN KICH In an article sponsored jointly by ProPublica and the New York Times, Annie Waldman has reported the following: “New Jersey’s loans, which currently total $1.9 billion, are unlike those of any other government lending program for students in the country. They come with extraordinarily stringent rules that can easily lead to…


The College Affordability Crisis: Real Solutions or Lip Service

An “On the Issues” Post from the Campaign for the Future of Higher Education [] _______________ The staggering level of college loan debt in our country finally seems to be getting some long-overdue national attention. Among the proposals for how to deal with this issue is one called “Pay It Forward,” a program that would substitute…


The Student-Loan Rate Impasse—or, At One Point Does an Impasse Make a Crisis Significantly Worse?

Much attention has been paid to the ballooning accumulation of student debt and its short- and long-term impact on the U.S. economy. As a response to the Great Recession, most states dramatically reduced their subsidies supporting public colleges and universities over a series of annual budgets. In the last year or two, some states have…


What Will the Student-Loan Crisis Mean for Colleges?

Paul Solman of PBS, says “Student loan debt is actually a crushing burden for many, especially in the current jobless maybe-it-is/maybe-it-isn’t recovery.” Students now starting college–or a year or two away–are absolutely aware of that burden. Their choices are going to be determined by how much of it they are willing to take on. Their…