The Perils of President (and Professor) Newt

Newt Gingrich declared in 1995, “I am the most seriously professorial politician since Woodrow Wilson.” If Gingrich wins the Republican nomination, we will see the first presidential contest fought by ex-professors in American history. But if Gingrich wins, what would his presidency mean for higher education? Gingrich’s history as a professor certainly doesn’t make him…


A Bad Idea for Student Loans

Glenn Reynolds has a remarkably bad idea for dealing with student loans: Student loans, if they are to continue, should be made dischargeable in bankruptcy after five years — but with the school that received the money on the hook for all or part of the unpaid balance. Up until now, the loan guarantees have…


Rush Limbaugh’s Skulls Full of Mush

Rush Limbaugh hates college. He hated it when he was a student flunking out of Southeast Missouri State, and he hates it even more today. According to Rush, Barack Obama’s plan to help students with loans is a vast conspiracy to help “big education” which destroys the minds of students: Suzy Creamcheese gets into George…