Map of the United States, Texas is colored in red and the other states are neutral. Image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.

Three Cheers for Faculty Senates and Faculty Associations in Texas

BY JENNIFER RUTH On the August 3 episode of the Progress Texas podcast, guests discussed the recent incidents of political interference at Texas A&M University. One situation involved trustee interference in the hiring of distinguished professor of journalism Kathleen McElroy and the subsequent resignation of President Katherine Banks and the other involved the suspension and…

books on three wooden shelves in the shape of a speech bubble

Trouble in the “Heart of the University”

BY TWO TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY LIBRARIANS The news has been inundated with reports of relentless attacks on intellectual freedom and attacks on libraries. Just last week a blog detailed the many ways in which books and information are being challenged in schools and in public service sectors. Less well-reported, however, is the ongoing attack on…


Anti-BDS Law Challenged at Texas Universities

BY HANK REICHMAN Lawsuits challenging the constitutionality of laws that require government contractors to disavow a boycott of Israel seem to be proliferating — and that’s a good thing.  A week ago I posted about a challenge to such a law in Arkansas by a newspaper barred from running advertising from a state university if…
