Political Interference and Academic Freedom in Florida

BY HANK REICHMAN On Monday, February 26, I’ll be talking about the AAUP’s recent special investigation report, “Political Interference and Academic Freedom in Florida’s Public Higher Education System,” online with John A. Douglass of the UC Berkeley Center for Studies in Higher Education.  Here’s the Center’s description of the event: In their self-proclaimed “war on…


Indulging Conservatives?

BY EVA VON DASSOW Guest blogger Eva von Dassow is Associate Professor of Classical and Near Eastern Studies and AAUP Chapter Chair at the University of Minnesota. Since when is demanding that public funds be expended to indulge your wishes a conservative idea? The student group calling itself the Berkeley Patriot and the media company of…


Strategic Planning Comes to Berkeley

BY HANK REICHMAN This morning University of California at Berkeley Chancellor Nicholas Dirks sent an email to the entire university community announcing a new strategic planning initiative.  The entire lengthy but frustratingly vague message has been reproduced on the Remaking the University blog.  Summaries were also quickly released by Inside Higher Ed and the Chronicle…