Divide and Conquer as a Union-Busting Tactic

BY RYAN HARROD, DOUGLAS COST, ANDREA DEWEES, AND CINDY TRUSSELL Solidarity in collective bargaining for better wages and working conditions is the basis of any union activity. Pitting union members against each other is a common tactic employed by management in its union-busting strategy. It’s a tactic we are facing in Alaska. In the current…

University of Alaska sign made out of ice

Dangerous Times for Public Higher Education in Alaska

BY MARIAH QUINN In the face of a devastating 41 percent reduction in state funding imposed by the governor, Alaska AAUP members are mobilizing to save their public university system. In an open letter to state legislators, AAUP president Rudy Fichtenbaum and Abel Bult-Ito, president of United Academics of the University of Alaska (AAUP/AFT), urged…