Remembering Michael Burawoy, 1947-2025

BY JAMES VERNON Ed. note: On Monday, February 3, Michael Burawoy, Professor Emeritus of Sociology at the University of California at Berkeley and lifelong activist, was killed by a hit-and-run driver while crossing the street near his Oakland home.  We in the AAUP join with our colleagues at Berkeley and world-wide in mourning his untimely…


NIMBYism in Berkeley

BY HANK REICHMAN The California Supreme Court declined this week to stay an injunction that requires the University of California at Berkeley to freeze enrollment at Fall 2020 levels while a lawsuit against the university filed by a resident group proceeds.  The suit, filed under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), charges that the university…


Charles G. Sellers, 1923-2021

BY HANK REICHMAN Charles G. Sellers, an historian of the early 19th-century U.S. and longtime member of the University of California at Berkeley Department of History died last week at the age of 98.  As a scholar Sellers was best known for his book, The Market Revolution: Jacksonian America, 1815-1846, published in 1991, which, according…


The University We Are For

POSTED BY HANK REICHMAN The following statement was issued today (October 19) by the board of the University of California (UC) Berkeley Faculty Association. The University We Are For State support for public higher education in California has declined for decades: it constituted approximately one-third of the UC budget in 1990 and is about 10…


Berkeley Tenure-track Faculty Group Supports Lecturers

POSTED BY HANK REICHMAN The following is the text of a statement in support of the union representing non-tenure-track faculty members, or lecturers, in the University of California issued today by the Berkeley Faculty Association (BFA), which includes tenured and tenure-track professors (so-called “senate faculty”) at the University of California, Berkeley.  BFA is affiliated with…


Progressive Scientist Leon Wofsy, 1921-2019

BY HANK REICHMAN Leon Wofsy, Emeritus Professor of Immunology in the Department of Molecular and Cell Biology at the University of California at Berkeley, died August 25 at the age of 97.  Although I have been a graduate student and instructor at Berkeley and lived most of my adult life within a mile or two…


It’s Not About Parking!

BY HANK REICHMAN The late UC Berkeley Chancellor Clark Kerr once famously quipped that “the three major administrative problems on a campus are sex for the students, athletics for the alumni and parking for the faculty.”  Only the last of these, he suggested, presented a problem.  Another related saying attributed to him was his description…


Must We Accept a Two-Tiered Faculty?

BY HANK REICHMAN In a recent “Data Snapshot” the AAUP’s Research Department took a look at the data around tenure and the casualization of faculty labor, finding that “the percentage of instructional positions that is off the tenure track amounted to 73 percent in 2016, the latest year for which data are available.”  At Ph.D-granting…


A Tale of Two Campuses

BY HANK REICHMAN A well-known feature of American higher education, especially among large privates and public “flagships,” is the regional rivalry, mostly athletics-based.  You know, Ohio State-Michigan, Harvard-Yale, Alabama-Auburn, or UCLA-USC.  Here in the San Francisco Bay Area there’s Cal-Stanford (for anyone who may not be aware, Cal — short for California — is the…
