Very Few Tears at Lloyd Jacobs’ Departure from the University of Toledo; The Former President Will Be Remembered for His Almost Singular Disdain for Shared Governance

In June 2010, Jack Stripling wrote a piece for Inside Higher Ed reporting on faculty responses to a survey about the performance of University of Toledo president Lloyd Jacobs. Here are the first few paragraphs of that piece, titled “Toledo Chief Raked over Coals”: “In a scathing review of his controversial presidency at the University…


Business Experience As Academic Qualification? Oh, Really?

The following is a guest post by Michael DeCesare, associate professor and chair of the Department of Sociology & Criminology, and president of the AAUP Chapter, at Merrimack College. The president of the University of Toledo plans to appoint his former chief financial officer (CFO) to the position of provost and executive vice president for…