cork bulletin board with small slips of red, yellow, green, or blue paper with variations of the word "hello" in many languages and scripts, pinned in eight rows of one to four

Language Learning and the Expansion of Identity

BY DEBORAH CAFIERO During the COVID-19 crisis, the pace of cuts to foreign language departments and programs, already brisk before the pandemic, has accelerated. The devaluation of language study is necessary, so the argument goes, to reduce costs and trim programs that elicit minimal student interest. Besides, English is becoming the lingua franca of the…

Graphic shows Graphic shows scale with large bonus for the University of Vermont men's basketball coach outweighing the combined salaries of three lecturers slated for termination.

The Struggle for the Soul of UVM

BY HELEN SCOTT During this year of crisis, faculty and staff have mustered all our strength and resolve to ensure that the University of Vermont continues to fulfill its central academic and public interest mission. But the university administration is undermining these efforts as they pursue a short-sighted and reckless restructuring plan, justified by an…
