The Bad Ideas of the Wisconsin Regents

BY JOHN K. WILSON Is disrupting a speaker worse than rape? According to the University of Wisconsin Board or Regents policy passed last week, it is. Only one of them gets mandatory penalties. If a student is accused of rape, and even convicted of sexual misconduct twice, there is no requirement for an automatic suspension,…


Shakespeare on Shared Governance

BY TIMOTHY V. KAUFMAN-OSBORN This is a guest post by Timothy V. Kaufman-Osborn, the Baker Ferguson Professor of Politics and Leadership at Whitman College. Offering a sorry imitation of the Bard, I composed my recent history of shared governance in Wisconsin in the January–February issue of Academe as a tragedy in three acts. In my article, I explain…


Statement by UW-Madison AAUP on Legislative Threat to Academic Freedom

POSTED BY HANK REICHMAN Threats to Academic Freedom from the Government Threaten American Principles MADISON, WI—Dec. 21, 2016 The American Association of University Professors UW–Madison Chapter reaffirms the critical importance of preventing government overreach that would restrict the rights of our students to a high quality education that values and encourages critical thinking. When our…


Scott Walker Lies Again

BY HANK REICHMAN As regular readers of this blog know well, Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker’s efforts to decimate public funding for the University of Wisconsin System and erode the protections of tenure and shared governance have aroused broad opposition among faculty members.  On the defensive, Walker has issued a series of misleading and outright false…


UW Colleges Join "No Confidence" Movement

The Faculty Council of the University of Wisconsin Colleges — the 13-campus community college segment of the UW system — today became the latest UW faculty to vote “no confidence” in the administration of UW System President Ray Cross and the Board of Trustees.  The colleges join a growing bandwagon of colleagues at Madison, Milwaukee,…


When We Don't Fund Public Education

BY KELLY WILZ The narrative surrounding higher education in Wisconsin is yet again being defined by those who do not work in higher education and unfortunately, as we’ve seen before, this line of attack is incredibly persuasive. “The No Confidence vote isn’t really about President Cross or the Board of Regents. The radical faculty at UW-Madison are rejecting…


Wisconsin-Madison Resolution of No-Confidence

Yesterday the Faculty Senate of the University of Wisconsin at Madison overwhelmingly voted no confidence in Ray Cross, president of the University of Wisconsin System, and in the system’s Board of Regents. The vote followed the board’s rejections of proposals made by faculty groups that would protect academic freedom in new system policies on tenure…


University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee: Horror Show Edition

BY RACHEL BUFF POST-ACT 55 WISCONSIN, THE FIRST DAY OF UWM SPRING BREAK: less than a week out from the March 10 adoption by the state Board of Regents of new, Act 55-compliant policy that threatens the much-vaunted Wisconsin Idea. The new policy riddles the academic freedom and university democracy consecrated in the Wisconsin Idea…