College Ratings and Rankings: The Debate Continues

BY BRIAN C. MITCHELL Last month’s Huffington Post College article (also published on Academe), “Grading Higher Education: When Worlds Collide,” sparked a lively offline discussion and is worthy of additional exploration. In that post, we examined how various magazines, journals, and other outlets grade American higher education in their version of what some call the…


Grading Higher Education: When Worlds Collide

BY BRIAN C. MITCHELL One of the most persistent problems facing American higher education is how best to explain its importance and enduring value to the public. The problem is that various perspectives shape the approach utilized. Higher education leadership – especially at the research universities and the liberal arts colleges – often speak to…


“Vodka Sam” Redux: Why Hannah Horvath May End Up Attending the Iowa Writers Workshop but Never Actually Set Foot on the University of Iowa Campus

In an earlier post, “’Vodka Sam’ May Be a Symptom of a Problem but She Herself Is Not the Problem, Not Even the Public-Relations Problem” [], I wrote about the University of Iowa’s being named by Princeton Review as the Top Party School in the United States. Coincidentally, at around that same time, a female…