a row of colorful crayons on a white surface recedes diagonally into the background

Learning from UT Austin about Academic Freedom and Community Education

BY Z. W. TAYLOR, PAT SOMERS, AND JOSH CHILDS  The AAUP outlines a four-pronged definition of academic freedom, although it is not codified by any specific case law or statute. Dozens of educational organizations—including the American Psychological Association, the Association for the Study of Higher Education, and the National Education Association, among many others—have endorsed…


Atlantic Documentary: The Armed Campus

BY MARTIN KICH In 1966, the University of Texas at Austin was the site of America’s first mass shooting on a college campus. Now, 50 years later, students can carry guns on campus. It has created a tense environment, where students and professors alike are not sure who might have a weapon. “Universities are meant to…