OCAAUP Testimony on “Reforms” Ostensibly Intended to Increase Access and Affordability

  Testimony of Stephen Mockabee, Ph.D. Ohio Conference of the American Association of University Professors before the House Finance Higher Education Subcommittee Representative Mike Duffey, Chair May 19, 2016   Chairman Duffey, Ranking Member Ramos, and distinguished members of the House Finance Higher Education Subcommittee: My name is Steve Mockabee, and I am an Associate…


Western Governors University, the “Competency” Model, and the Next Wave of Higher-Ed “Innovation”

Between 6:00 a.m. and 7:30 a.m. this morning, the Discovery Channel aired the following three 30-minute infomercials:Sexy in Three Weeks!; The Graduate: Learn about Innovative Grad and Undergrad Degrees; and No More Wrinkles! The middle of those three infomercials has been produced by Tribune Media for Western Governors University. One alternative to conventional, on-site delivery…