Taking Rejection in Stride

Thanks to those wonderful folk at Retraction Watch, I now know where I am going to submit my next article and at which conference I would like to present.

Come one, come all, to the Journal of Universal Rejection and its brand-new Conference of Universal Rejection!

Just to give you a taste, here’s a little about the journal’s rejection process:

After submitting your work, the decision process varies. Often the Editor-in-Chief will reject your work out-of-hand, without even reading it! However, he might read it. Probably he’ll skim. At other times your manuscript may be sent to anonymous referees. Unless they are the Editor-in-Chief’s wife or graduate school buddies, it is unlikely that the referees will even understand what is going on. Rejection will follow as swiftly as a bird dropping from a great height after being struck by a stone. At other times, rejection may languish like your email buried in the Editor-in-Chief’s inbox. But it will come, swift or slow, as surely as death. Rejection.

And the conference?

We are accepting abstracts for talks. Please submit to j.universal.rejection@gmail.com. Talks can be on any topic, in any format, any length. Presenters must provide their own slide or A/V projectors and power source. All submissions will be rejected. Furthermore, we may post your name, abstract, and our rejection publicly at the blog Reprobatio Certa.

See you there!