Introducing the Academe Blog

I’m pleased to announce the launch of the Academe Blog. Just like our sister publication, Academe magazine, this blog will explore a wide range of topics in higher education—academic freedom, governance of colleges and universities, working conditions of contingent faculty and graduate employees, collective bargaining, faculty workplace issues, work-family balance, funding, and legislation affecting higher education–to name a few. One advantage of the blog is that it can cover issues that appear in the news in a more timely manner than our bimonthly magazine.

Though the blog is a publication of the American Association of University Professors, opinions published in it are those of the contributors and do not necessarily represent the policies of the AAUP.

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Have a suggestion for us? See something in the news that deserves our attention and comment? Interested in contributing to the blog? We’d love to hear from you. E-mail us at

Cat Warren, Academe Editor


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