COCAL Updates

By Joe Berry

Here are some updates and links from the Chicago Coalition of Contingent Academic Labor.

1. Nice cartoon about Portland State bargaining

2. Good update article about organizing at St Xavier U in Chicago:
Not In My Backyard: St. Xavier University Fights Union Organizing, By Tom Suhrbur, IEA Organizer

3. Update on bargaining at Central Michigan University

4. Very good newsletter by former head of publications for the National Education Association, Sam Pizzigati, called “Too Much” which focuses on economic inequality and why it is bad. (His book “Greed and Good” has a very good chapter on education as well.)

5. A tax court rules again that adjuncts are employees, not contractors

6. Rank and file economics: fighting for a wages and jobs led recovery. By Katherine Sciacchitano in Dollars and Sense.

7. Australian academics leaving higher ed because of casualization

8. AFT FACE blog about union busters paid by tax money at U of Ilinois, Chicago

9. Big Surprise: Chamber of Commerce sues to block new National Labor Relations Board rule that would require employers to post signs telling workers of their right to unionize

10. “A” for a new adjunct movement?

To be added to my email list with the full COCAL updates, contact Joe Berry at See the Chicago Coalition of Contingent Academic Labor for news, contacts and links related to non-tenure track, “precarious” faculty.