Higher Education Update (Including Cincinnati State Strike)

Laura Clawson at DailyKos writes about part-time student graduation rates and notes, “don’t try to pretend that economic factors aren’t affecting college completion rates.”

Roger Shuler writes about being threatened with a libel suit by Ted Rollins, the CEO of a student-housing development company.

Updates on the Cincinnati State strike:

“‘We love our teachers,’ says Becker. Becker and other students chanted, ‘We want our teachers back,’ as cars drove by and honked in approval.” Read the story or watch the video on WCPO 9. (9/29)

“When they say our workload should go up, that’s a big increase when you look at all the [work done] outside the classroom,” explains Cincinnati State AAUP chapter spokesperson Pamela Ecker . “If you think about it from a student’s point of view, if your full load went from four classes to six or seven classes [per term], that would be a heck of a lot more work. The same thing is true for faculty.” News Record. Also, watch a video on FOX News 19.  (9/29)

“We have chemistry classes being taught by English teachers,” said Lindsay Valentino of Mount Lookout, a graphic design student who was handing out buttons for the American Association of University Professors before the meeting. “We have IT classes being taught by art teachers. The administration at this point is messing with my future.” Read the story in the Cincinnati Enquirer.  Also, read News 5’s “Students Rally In Support Of Teacher Strike” and watch their video. (9/28)

“Students tell us the hallways of the College are filled with canceled signs,” said AAUP chapter President Paul Davis. “In the classes that are meeting, students said they are being told to do things like form study groups and teach each other, or they are spending the entire class period talking about the strike.” FOX 19. (9/28)

“We had hoped the administration would avoid any disruption, but if they were going to cause a disruption we wanted to minimize the impact on students,” Pamela Ecker said. Cincinnati Inquirer.  Also read the story in the  Middletown Journal. Also, watch a video on WCPO 9. (9/27)


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