Oral Arguments in Academic Freedom Case

A critical legal case affecting the academic freedom of professors will be argued on Thursday, December 8 before the 7th Circuit Federal Court of Appeals in Chicago.

Loretta Capeheart is a professor of Justice Studies at Northeastern Illinois University (NEIU) who alleges that the administration retaliated against her for defending the rights of students protesting on campus. A federal district court dismissed her case in a summary judgment, invoking the Supreme Court’s infamous Garcetti v Ceballos ruling to argue that public colleges can punish professors for statements related to their official duties. The AAUP has filed an amicus brief arguing against the court’s ruling.

Oral arguments on behalf of the AAUP’s amicus brief will be held before the 7th Circuit on Thursday December 8 at 9:30 am, at the federal courthouse in Chicago, 219 S. Dearborn, 27th floor. Capeheart and supporters will be gathering at 9am in front of the courthouse.