Doing What You Love

A piece by Nate Kreuter, “More Than Love,” on Inside Higher Ed today alerted me to Miya Tokumitzu’s article “In the Name of Love” for the magazine Jacobin. She writes: There’s little doubt that “do what you love” (DWYL) is now the unofficial work mantra for our time. The problem is that it leads not to salvation,…

The Crisis in How We Fund Higher Education

A survey of the state of American higher education in 2014 presents a distressing picture. Enrollments are off –in some cases seriously — translating to substantial and unbudgeted revenue shortfalls. Higher education is labor intensive with up to 60 percent of the budget at some colleges tied to labor. Labor costs, along with health care…

What Would James Murray Think?: Addendum 1

In the post to which this post provides an addendum, I reported that the editors of the Oxford English Dictionary (OED) had selected “selfie” as the word of the year for 2013, with “twerk” running a close second. The American Dialect Society (ADS) has subsequently announced its word of the year, as well as winners…

Political Spin, like the Cylinder on a Revolver

Leslie Combs is a member of Kentucky’s House of Representatives. Last week, while she was in her office at the state capital, she was unloading a handgun and the gun accidentally went off. Another legislator was in the office but was not hit by the bullet. When addressing the local media about the incident, Combs…

AAUP’s Response to the American Bar Association’s Consideration of a Proposal to Eliminate Tenure from Accreditation Standards

January 30, 2014 Via U.S. Mail and E-Mail To: The Hon. Solomon Oliver, Jr., Council Chairperson Barry A. Currier, Managing Director of Accreditation and Legal Education Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar American Bar Association 321 N. Clark Street, 21st Floor Chicago, IL 60654-7958 RE: Comments on Proposed Revisions to Standard 405…