If We’re Going to Have Congressional Hearings about Disastrous Foreign Policy Decisions and an Administration’s Deception, What Should Their Focus Be?

Benghazi Attack:

4 Killed

10 Wounded

Diplomatic Mission and CIA Compound Burned

Iraq War:

4,487 U.S. Military Killed

32,223 U.S. Military Wounded

318 Coalition Military Killed

1,487 “Civilian Contractors” Killed

10,569 “Civilian Contractors” Wounded

16,623 Iraqi Military Killed

26,230-27,000 Iraqi Insurgents Killed

134,000 Iraqi Noncombatants Killed

239,000 Iraqi Noncombatants Wounded or Injured

$820 Billion U.S. Military Costs

$1.9 Trillion Estimated U.S. Military Costs, with Interest and Long-Term Medical Costs Factored In [CBO]

$134.7 Billion Costs through 2013 for Medical Treatment of Iraq War Veterans

$35.82 Billion Iraq Reconstruction Costs



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