Great News Coverage of CFHE Video Awaiting Your Comments

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Faculty Continue Anti-MOOC Offensive: Rhetoric Check

Inside Higher Ed

The faculty leaders behind the Campaign for the Future of Higher Education continued their barrage against massive open online courses on Tuesday, challenging the providers to come clean on “overblown, misleading or simply false” rhetoric.  5-14-14

Who Wins If Online Classes Don’t Make The Grade?

Huff Post Live

(Lively panel discussion on CFHE video with California Faculty Assoc. President Lillian Taiz, Trinity College DC President Pat McGuire, a UC official and a U. of Phoenix graduate) Online ed claims to empower minorities and low-income students by providing greater access to education. But greater access doesn’t mean much if it is not a quality education. Could online education be the next big bubble about to burst? 5-13-14


Are MOOCs Just Moneymaking Scams? Providers Challenged To Substantiate Grandiose Claims

Campus Technology

Campaign for the Future of Higher Education claims online education “is a billion-dollar business motivated more by profits than quality education for students.” 5-13-14


Where Do MOOCs Fit in Higher Education

US News and World Report

“The Campaign for the Future of Higher Education last week sent letters to the leaders of Coursera, Udacity and edX saying the claims the companies made about online higher education are ‘overblown, misleading, or simply false.'”



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  2. Pingback: Markets, Technology, and the Purpose of Education | The Academe Blog

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