CFHE 7th National Gathering Focuses on Affordable, Quality Higher Education for All

On May 16-18, the Campaign for the Future of Higher Education’s 7th National Gathering drew nearly 100 faculty, student and organizational leaders to the Desmond Hotel in Albany, New York, where the organization held panel discussions and workshops surrounding a theme of “Building Alliances for Access, Equity and Quality.”

The increasing problem of student debt was a main topic of the gathering, as was preserving affordable, quality higher education.

“Rising tuition costs—too much of it due to lack of funding from state and federal governments—have kept would-be students away and plunged thousands of young people into six-figure debt that will take years to pay off,” United University Professions President Fred Kowal said.  “This is where organizations like CFHE, the United States Student Association, Dream Defenders, NYPIRG and Debt Free Future can be so valuable.

“These groups, along with United We Dream, Higher Ed Not Debt, Students for Quality Education, New Jersey United Students—all of who are represented on Saturday’s student debt panel—have the ability to bring local, regional and national attention to this important issue.”

UUP, which is hosting the conference, represents faculty and staff at the state-operated campuses of the State University of New York and is a member of CFHE.

The weekend also included the debut of CFHE’s new video, “Online Ed: Teaching Millions or Making Millions?” The video raises concerns about the expansion of online college courses and the profit potential of the online education industry.



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