State Legislation on Online Postsecondary Education Passed from January to July 2014


CO S 114

State University Global Campus Student Access

Status: Enacted – Act No. 144
Date of Last Action:*  05/02/2014 – Enacted
Author: Todd (D)
Topics: Postsecondary, Postsecondary-Community and Junior Colleges, Distance/online/virtual learning
Summary: Amends the role and mission of Colorado State University global – campus on-line university to permit baccalaureate degree programs instead of upper-division baccalaureate completion degree programs.



IL S 3441

Higher Education Distance Learning Act

Status: Enacted – Act No. 792
Date of Last Action:*  07/25/2014 – Enacted
Author: McGuire (D)
Topics: Postsecondary, Distance/online/virtual learning
Summary: Creates the Higher Education Distance Learning Act, authorizes a certain reciprocity agreement, provides that the Board shall be the lead agency in coordinating reciprocity for distance learning, creates a specified fund, provides for a student refund policy and for equitable treatment, provides that nothing shall be construed to affect the authority of the Attorney General to enforce the Consumer Fraud and Deceptive Business Practices Act and the Consumer Financial Protection Act.



MD S 110

Higher Education Online Distance Education

Status: Enacted – Act No. 132
Date of Last Action:*  04/14/2014 – Enacted
Author: Education/Health & Environmental Affairs Cmt
Topics: Postsecondary, Distance/online/virtual learning
Summary: Repeals, alters, and adds certain defined terms relating to the registration of certain institutions of higher education that offer certain online distance education programs, authorizes the State Higher Education Commission to charger certain institutions a fee.



MO H 1389

Distance Education Reciprocity Agreement

Status: Enacted – Signed by Governor
Date of Last Action:*  06/19/2014 – Enacted
Author: Thomson (R)
Topics: Postsecondary, Distance/online/virtual learning
Summary: Requires the Coordinating Board for Higher Education is responsible for entering into agreements for interstate reciprocity regarding the delivery of postsecondary distance education, requires the Board will be responsible for administering the agreements and approving or disapproving application for institutions with their principal campus in the State to participate in the agreements and to set standards for various factors regarding out-of-state institutions participation.



TN S 195

Non Profit Online Universities

Status: Enacted – Act No. 185
Date of Last Action:*  04/23/2013 – Enacted
Author: Norris (R)
Topics: Postsecondary, Distance/online/virtual learning
Associated Bills: TN H 189 – Same as
Summary: Relates to education, relates to higher, exempts certain non-profit online universities from the Postsecondary Education Authorization Act, specifies circumstances under which such an university may lose the exemption.



UT S 38

Snow College

Status: Enacted – Act No. 069
Date of Last Action:*  03/27/2014 – Enacted
Author: Okerlund (R)
Topics: Postsecondary, Postsecondary-Dual Enrollment, Distance/online/virtual learning
Summary: Establishes the Snow College Concurrent Education Program, requires Snow College to establish and administer the Rural Superintendent Concurrent Education Program to provide concurrent enrollment courses delivered through interactive video conferencing and advisory support to secondary school students.


The information in this post has been taken from the National Council of State Legislatures (NCSL) Education Tracking Database, which is available at:




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