Koch Money at Colleges and Universities: Part I, A-M

In an earlier post, “The Koch Brothers Gifts to Higher Ed Come with Many Strings Attached” [https://academeblog.org/2014/08/18/the-koch-brothers-gifts-to-higher-ed-come-with-many-strings-attached/], I discussed the decision by Brooklyn College to decline a gift from the Koch Brothers Foundation.

To all appearances, it is one of the few colleges to have made such a decision.

A former colleague once said that higher education is just like the corporate world and government, with people scrambling to advance themselves and get whatever they can get—but it is all the more unseemly in higher education simply because the advancements and their rewards are so meager in comparison to those available in the corporate world and government.

The bloat in administrative positions and salaries may have narrowed that gap, at least somewhat, but what surprises me about the following list is how cheaply influence in higher education can still be bought, at least institution by institution.

The following list comes from the website PolluterWatch [http://polluterwatch.org/charles-koch-university-funding-database].

For some reason, the authors of that website have the list organized by city or town. I have reorganized it by institutional name. The institutions that have received more than $100,000 are in bold.


Acton Business School (Austin, TX): $100,000

Albany State University Foundation (Albany, GA): $11,000

Alma College (Alma, MI): $23,675

American University (Washington, DC): $32,500

Andrew College (Cuthbert, GA): $2,500

Appalachian State University (Boone, NC): $17,000

Arkansas Tech Institute (Russellville, AR): $21,000

Ashland University (Ashland, OH): $20,000

Assumption College (Worcester, MA): $6,000

Athens State University (Athens, AL) $7,000

Auburn University (Auburn, AL): $300,000

Augustana College (Sioux Falls, SD): $5,000

Azusa Pacific University (Azusa, CA): $60,500

Ball State University (Muncie, IN): $27,600

Barton College (Wilson, NC): $21,980

Baylor University (Waco, TX): $6,000

Beloit College (Beloit, WI): $173,000

Bendictine College (Atchison, KS): $7,500

Berry College (Mount Berry, GA): $91,400

Bethel College (Meshawaka, IN): $35,205

Birmingham Southern College (Birmingham, AL): $6,500

Boise State University Foundation (Boise, ID): $22,820

Brown University (Providence, RI): $450,682

Buena Vista University (Storm Lake, IA): $2,500

California State University–East Bay (Hayward, CA): $41,000

Campbell University (Buies Creek, NC): $60,693

Carnegie Mellon University (Pittsburgh, PA): $5,850

Carthage College (Kenosha, WI): $16,000

Case Western Reserve University (Cleveland, OH): $25,000

Catholic University of America (Washington, DC): $8,000

Cedarville University (Cedarville, OH): $9,000

Chapman University (Orange, CA): $132,000

Charleston Southern University (Charleston, SC): $24,700

Chestnut Hill College (Philadelphia, PA): $6,000

Christendom College (Front Royal, VA): $10,200

Christopher Newport University Educational Foundation (Newport News, VA): $28,000 University of Oklahoma (Norman, OK): $6,000

Claremont McKenna College (Claremont, CA): $79,400

Clemson University (Clemson, SC): $2,399,916

Coastal Carolina University (Conways, SC): $21,300

Colgate University (Hamilton, NY): $4,931

College of Charleston Foundation (Charleston, SC): $158,555

College of New Jersey (Ewing, NJ): $45,410

College of William and Mary (Williamsburg, VA): $14,800

Colorado College (Colorado Springs, CO): $9,000

Cornell College [Iowa] (Mount Vernon, IA): $3,000

Dartmouth College (Hanover, NH): $57,000

Delaware State University Foundation (Dover, DE): $15,422

Delta State University (Cleveland, MS): $8,000

Duke University (Durham, NC): $27,781

Duquesne University (Pittsburgh, PA): $102,000

Emporia State University Foundation (Emporia, KS): $31,200

Fayetteville State University (Fayetteville, NC): $7,000

Florida Gulf Coast University Foundation (Fort Myers, FL): $124,646

Florida State University (Tallahassee, FL): $3,948,655

Fort Hays State University Foundation (Hays, KS): $757,000

Friends University (Wichita, KS): $272,620

George Fox University (Newberg, OR): $30,042

George Mason University Foundation (Fairfax, VA): $24,173,564 +++++

George Washington University (Washington, DC): $221,620

Georgetown University (Washington, DC): $14,000

Georgia College and State University (Milledgeville, GA): $18,830

Georgia State University Foundation (Atlanta, GA): $24,000

Georgia Tech Research Corp (Atlanta, GA): $30,000

Grove City College (Grove City, PA): $235,749

Hampden-Sydney College (Hampden Sydney, VA): $164,100

Hanover College (Hanover, IN): $14,300

Harvard University (Cambridge, MA): $7,500

Henderson State University (Arkadelphia, PA) $6,515

High Point University (High Point, NC): $8,000

Hillsdale College (Hillsdale, MI): $144,423

Indiana University (Bloomington, IN): $41,600

Jacksonville State University Foundation (Jacksonville, AL): $6,000

James Madison University (Harrisonburg, VA): $72,905

John Brown University (Siloam Springs, AR): $3,000

Johns Hopkins University (Baltimore, MD): $19,000

Johnson and Wales University (Charlotte, SC): $8,000

Kansas State University Foundation (Manhattan, KS) $768,254

Kansas University Endowment Association (Lawrence, KS): $870,467

Kennesaw State University (Kennesaw, GA): $2,500

Kenyon College (Gambier, OH): $2,000

King’s College, (New York, NY): $35,500

La Sierra University (Corona, CA): $25,000

Lake Forest College (Lake Forest, IL): $14,500

Lakeland College (Sheboygan, WI): $14,000

Lee University (Cleveland, TN): $6,500

Lindenwood University (Saint Charles, MO): $11,000

Linfield College (McMinnville, OR): $11,500

Long Island University (Brookville, NY): $8,000

Louisiana State University Foundation (Baton Rouge, LA): $11,340

Loyola University Chicago (Chicago, IL): $7,184

Loyola University New Orleans (New Orleans, LA): $162,000

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Cambridge, MA): $344,988

McGill University (Montreal, QC Canada): $24,000

McKendree University (Lebanon, IL): $14,000

McNeese University (Lake Charles, LA): $4,500

Menlo College (Atherton, CA): $2,000

Mercer University (Macon, GA): $63,800

Metropolitan State College Denver Foundation (Denver, CO): $77,840

Michigan State University (East Lansing, MI): $69,730

Middle Tennessee State University Foundation (Murfreesboro, TN): $18,000

Midwestern State University Foundation (Wichita Falls, TX): $9,800

Milligan College (Milligan College, TN): $8,800

Mississippi State University (Mississippi State, MS): $10,000

Montana State University (Bozeman, MT): $52,000

Montclair State University (Montclair, NJ): $5,271

Morehead State University (Morehead, KY): $9,300

Mount St. Mary’s University (Emmitsburg, MD): $1,800

Murray State University (Murray, KY): $7,500





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