“AAUP: The First Hundred Years” – January-February 2015 Issue of Academe


The AAUP has reached its centennial year—a major achievement in the life cycle of a professional organization. The newest issue of Academe, now posted online, looks back at the Association’s work over the past century.

Titled “AAUP: The First Hundred Years,” the issue examines the AAUP’s work in the courts, in carrying out investigations, on women’s issues, and in shared governance. It also discusses the AAUP’s entry into collective bargaining and, of course, its academic freedom work.

Over the next few days, we’ll be highlighting a few of the feature articles from this issue that delve into the AAUP’s work, its evolution as an association, and its ability to confront the issues of each decade while still heeding the principles of its inception. The articles in this centennial issue examine the critical events and means through which the association has helped transform academia. And they also offer insights into the future direction of the association.

Click here to read the January–February issue.