Akron-AAUP Survey Reveals Faculty Sentiment about the Leadership at the University of Akron


More than 70% of reporting faculty are not confident in University of Akron   leadership.

There are growing concerns about the recent actions and future plans of the administration at The University of Akron. The Akron-AAUP has conducted a survey of the faculty, the results of which reflect faculty sentiment across academic   areas.

“The Akron-AAUP will not editorialize the results of this survey for you,” says Akron-AAUP President, and Professor of Sociology, John Zipp. “We think they speak for themselves, as they clearly show that approximately 3 out of every 4 of faculty think that the university and their departments are worse off than they were a year ago, that shared governance is not working well on our campus, and that they have little confidence in the direction that the University is taking, President Scarborough and the Board of Trustees.”



Would you say that the university is better off than it was a year ago, or is it worse off?

72.2%   WORSE OFF

Would you say that your department or school is better or worse off than it was a year ago?

73.1%   WORSE OFF

How about your students? Would you say that they are better or worse off than they were a year ago?

47.2%   WORSE  OFF

39.2%   ABOUT SAME

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? “Shared governance is working well at The University of  Akron.”

81.3%   DISAGREE

Do you have confidence in the university’s strategic planning and budgeting process?

79.7%    NO

Are you confident that President Scarborough is leading the university in a positive direction?

72.2%    NO

Are you confident that the Board of Trustees has been upholding its responsibilities?

78.1%    NO


More than 70% of bargaining unit faculty completed the survey, and it is broadly representative of full-time faculty across  campus.


College % of College Faculty Responding
Buchtel College of Arts and Sciences 82%
College of Applied Science and Technology 74%
College of Business Administration 64%
College of Engineering 72%
College of Health Professions 71%
College of Polymer Science and Polymer Engineering 26%
Lebron James Family Foundation College of Education 93%
University Libraries 83%
Wayne College 59%







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