Akron-AAUP Plans Faculty Action at the State of the University Address


Akron, Ohio – October 16, 2015. Akron-AAUP is organizing an event in conjunction with the “State of the University” address Tuesday, Oct. 20, 2015, 1:00 pm, E.J. Thomas Performing Arts Hall.

Akron-AAUP has created the event to remind the administration and the community that the faculty of The University of Akron care deeply about the future of this institution, and that true shared governance is needed to chart a successful way forward.

Chapter President, Professor John Zipp, said Friday that “Our recent survey clearly showed that very few faculty believe that shared governance is working well at the University of Akron.  Faculty and staff are being told about many of the new initiatives after the key decisions have been made, but the success of any new program depends critically on faculty and staff buy-in.”




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