Dominican University Forms New A.A.U.P. Chapter

Dominican University in River Forest, a suburb of Chicago, has formed a new A.A.U.P. chapter. They received a welcoming letter e-mail from Alexis Pearlstein, administrative assistant in the Department of Organizing. It included a copy of the Association’s constitution, which is not in the current Redbook. I am linking it here.

From: Alexis Pearlstein

Sent: Tuesday, October 20, 2015 2:36 PM

Subject: New AAUP Chapter

Dear Professor Jenks,

Congratulations on the establishment of the AAUP advocacy chapter at Dominican University! In the next few days you will receive a welcome kit via U.S. Mail from our Department of Organizing. The welcome kit contains the following items:

-A letter from our Executive Director, Julie Schmid

-New chapter certificate

-Academe Magazine

-AAUP “One Hundred Years One Faculty”

-AAUP “Member Benefits”

-AAUP Stickers and buttons


In addition to the above, I have attached the most recent version of the AAUP’s constitution (not included in the Red Book) as well as the current roster for your chapter.

Please let me know if you need additional copies of any literature provided within your welcome kit and congratulations once again!



The officers of the A.A.U.P. chapter at Dominican are:

President = John Jenks

Vice President = Mary Pat Fallon

Secretary = Aaron Zerhusen

Membership Director = Beth Landers

I have been asked to speak there on November 11, and in Illinois, we are very devoted to advocacy chapters as well as the rights of academicians to organise in the post-Yeshiva world of repression and anti-labour animus.

