CFA Members Vote to Authorize Strike Action!

The results are in: Over 94% of California Faculty Association (CFA) members who voted in balloting on whether to authorize strike actions said ‘Yes’ to authorize the CFA Board of Directors to call a strike. CFA represents some 26,000 faculty members in the 23-campus California State University (CSU) system and is an affiliate organization of the AAUP and the AAUP-CBC.

“Together, and in solidarity with students, staff, and allies, we are powerful.  We are ready to act if necessary and for as long as it takes,” said CFA President Jennifer Eagan, a professor at CSU East Bay.

“This fight is about the bread and butter issue of salary, but that’s not all. The vision of what the CSU is, who is serves, and what it can be in the future is at stake. The faculty envision a CSU that educates students without driving them into debt, honors the faculty as the valuable professionals that they are, and elevates California by facilitating the next generation of creative, thoughtful, and brilliant citizens who will sustain the state for generations to come. That’s our vision, and we’re willing to fight for it.”


The results of the vote, which was held October 19-28, were announced this morning during a 10 a.m. news conference at San Jose State University, where faculty and reporters crowded a room in the Engineering Department.

Kevin Wehr, Chair of CFA’s Bargaining Team and a Professor at Sacramento State, said the huge turnout from faculty on all campuses sends a strong message, “one that management representatives haven’t seemed to understand yet: the faculty of the CSU system will not be left behind again.”

“We have tightened our belts for years, while watching management pay increase,” he said. “We know the system can afford 5%; it is fair and it is well-deserved.”

On November 17 CFA members and supporters will hold a march and rally at the CSU Board of Trustees meeting in Long Beach.  The AAUP is encouraging all our members — in the CSU, the UC, the community colleges, and private institutions — in California to attend.  Among the speakers will be AAUP First Vice-President Hank Reichman, an emeritus professor at CSU East Bay.

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