Campus Faculty Association at University of Illinois on Salaita Settlement

This is the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Campus Faculty Association statement on the Steven Salaita settlement with the University of Illinois. The CFA, which has pursued with vigor and determination the right to organise the entire University of Illinois faculty into a union, has previously commented on the AAUP investigation and censure. The following statement on the settlement is from Facebook:

CFA is happy Steven Salaita has accepted the settlement approved by the Board of Trustees. Compensating Dr. Salaita, however, is only a first step. Two major concerns remain unresolved.

First, the damage inflicted on the American Indian Studies Program must be made good. We call upon Chancellor Wilson and Dean Ross of the College of LAS to make recommendations about how at a minimum to restore the AIS Program to its former strength both in faculty lines and programming capacities. We also call upon Chancellor Wilson to take steps to move this campus decisively beyond the “Chief” era — through continued education, and by eliminating the use of music associated with the “dance” of the Chief during sports events.

Second, the intrusion of the Board of Trustees into academic policy and hiring decisions remains a serious problem. The prospect of such intrusions has increased rather than decreased, over the past year. The Board now asserts a right to intervene in any individual hiring case. Further, with their decision to subject every faculty hire to a background check, the Board has added a new hurdle in the hiring process — a hurdle with a racially discriminatory effect.

This university does not need a more interventionist Board in faculty hiring. We appeal to the Board of Trustees to explicitly delegate faculty hiring decisions to each campus, and to repeal their blanket background check policy.

Bruce Rosenstock, President

Campus Faculty Association